Indiana Jones 1
Questa pagina e’ intitolata secondo questo
affascinante personaggio mitico della celluloide per una
semplice ragione: John "Indiana" Ashby e’ un prezioso
ricercatore di antichi artefatti americani. Ha il piglio e
la volonta’ di detto ricercatore. Va specificato che non
e’ un "archeologo" professionista, ma solo un
"raccoglitore" delle novita attinenti a questa parte
dell’archeologia che fa capo al libro di Mormon. Questa
non vuole essere una ulteriore dimostrazione della
veridicita’ del Libro di Mormon, in quanto e’ ben risaputo
che i santi degli ultimi giorni credono che solo tramite
la preghiera sia possibile raggiungere questo scopo. Lo
scopo reale di questa pagina e’ di controbattere la falsa
tesi che l’archeologia affossi il mormonismo.
L’archeologia non e’ una scienza esatta, non e’ basata su
numeri, bensi su intuizioni e nella maggior parte dei casi
alla pura fortuna. La scoperta di Troia era frutto di una
buona intuizione, ma che dire delle piu’ grandi scoperte
archeologiche quali i papiri del mar morto? E’ ben
risaputo che proprio quest’ultime sono avvenute da persone
semplici e senza istruzione. Non fu forse la pietra di
Rosetta, che servi’ a decifare i geroglifici egiziani,
scoperta da un semplice soldato francese, per un puro
caso. Non furono dei semplici pastori a scoprire i papiri
del mar morto? Questo per dire e provare che
l’archeologia non solo non e’ una scienza perfetta,
tutt’altro, ma e’ soprattutto in base alla buona sorte che
talvolta funziona, e cio’ che e’ nascosto ed inesplicabile
per secoli, puo’ venire alla ribalta di incanto. Passiamo
adesso alla documentazione fotografica che il nostro
"Indiana Jones" ci ha fornito.
affascinante personaggio mitico della celluloide per una
semplice ragione: John "Indiana" Ashby e’ un prezioso
ricercatore di antichi artefatti americani. Ha il piglio e
la volonta’ di detto ricercatore. Va specificato che non
e’ un "archeologo" professionista, ma solo un
"raccoglitore" delle novita attinenti a questa parte
dell’archeologia che fa capo al libro di Mormon. Questa
non vuole essere una ulteriore dimostrazione della
veridicita’ del Libro di Mormon, in quanto e’ ben risaputo
che i santi degli ultimi giorni credono che solo tramite
la preghiera sia possibile raggiungere questo scopo. Lo
scopo reale di questa pagina e’ di controbattere la falsa
tesi che l’archeologia affossi il mormonismo.
L’archeologia non e’ una scienza esatta, non e’ basata su
numeri, bensi su intuizioni e nella maggior parte dei casi
alla pura fortuna. La scoperta di Troia era frutto di una
buona intuizione, ma che dire delle piu’ grandi scoperte
archeologiche quali i papiri del mar morto? E’ ben
risaputo che proprio quest’ultime sono avvenute da persone
semplici e senza istruzione. Non fu forse la pietra di
Rosetta, che servi’ a decifare i geroglifici egiziani,
scoperta da un semplice soldato francese, per un puro
caso. Non furono dei semplici pastori a scoprire i papiri
del mar morto? Questo per dire e provare che
l’archeologia non solo non e’ una scienza perfetta,
tutt’altro, ma e’ soprattutto in base alla buona sorte che
talvolta funziona, e cio’ che e’ nascosto ed inesplicabile
per secoli, puo’ venire alla ribalta di incanto. Passiamo
adesso alla documentazione fotografica che il nostro
"Indiana Jones" ci ha fornito.
Questo tanto per
farvelo conoscere e’ John "Indiana" Ashby"
farvelo conoscere e’ John "Indiana" Ashby"
Questa e’ una foto mai pubblicata prima.
Questa pietra proviene dalla grotta di Burrows, un posto
nel sud dell’Illinois che conteneva approssimativamente
10.000 artifatti simili a quello riprodotto nella foto.
Questa pietra proviene dalla grotta di Burrows, un posto
nel sud dell’Illinois che conteneva approssimativamente
10.000 artifatti simili a quello riprodotto nella foto.
La pietra di Bat creek fu scoperta nel 1889 in una
indisturbata sepoltura nell’ est del Tennessee da un
progetto di lavoro archeologico americano.
Nel 1971, Cyrus Gordon identificava le lettere incise
sulla pietra come paleo ebreo, approssimativamente del
primo o secondo secolo dopo Cristo. Secondo lui le cinque
lettere alla sinistra, leggendole da sinistra a destra
come e’ comune per l’ebraico sono LYHWW, che significa
"per la Giudea"
Nel 1988, frammenti di legno trovati con incisioni furono
datati dal carbon 14 come qualcosaa fra il 32 dopo Cristo
ed il 769 dopo Cristo. Queste date sono consistenti con le
date che vengono attribuite alle lettere.
Oggi questa pietra e’ fuori della vista dei visitatori in
una retro stanza del museo nazionale di storia naturale a
indisturbata sepoltura nell’ est del Tennessee da un
progetto di lavoro archeologico americano.
Nel 1971, Cyrus Gordon identificava le lettere incise
sulla pietra come paleo ebreo, approssimativamente del
primo o secondo secolo dopo Cristo. Secondo lui le cinque
lettere alla sinistra, leggendole da sinistra a destra
come e’ comune per l’ebraico sono LYHWW, che significa
"per la Giudea"
Nel 1988, frammenti di legno trovati con incisioni furono
datati dal carbon 14 come qualcosaa fra il 32 dopo Cristo
ed il 769 dopo Cristo. Queste date sono consistenti con le
date che vengono attribuite alle lettere.
Oggi questa pietra e’ fuori della vista dei visitatori in
una retro stanza del museo nazionale di storia naturale a
Rock Art Piece From Burrows Cave, From Southern
Nel 1982, Russel E. Burrows riportava il ritrovamento
di alcune migliaia di rocce scure, con incisioni su di
esse in una grotta lungo le rive del piccolo fiume Wabash.
Lui si aspettava che la comunita’ scientifica avrebbe dato
il suo benvenuto a questa sua scoperta, invece con suo
estremo disappunto, non solo la sua scoperta fu derisa, ma
addirittura fu accusato di frode, spesso da "esperti" che
non avevano nemmeno preso visione delle rocce in
questione. Ma essendo un uomo cresciuto sotto la
disciplina militare, Burrows persistette per anni nel
cercare di portare allo scoperto cio’ che egli riteneva
prezioso. Questi sono solo alcuni dei reperti che egli
possiede e sta cercando persone che possano aiutarlo a
decifrare le scritte in questione.
di alcune migliaia di rocce scure, con incisioni su di
esse in una grotta lungo le rive del piccolo fiume Wabash.
Lui si aspettava che la comunita’ scientifica avrebbe dato
il suo benvenuto a questa sua scoperta, invece con suo
estremo disappunto, non solo la sua scoperta fu derisa, ma
addirittura fu accusato di frode, spesso da "esperti" che
non avevano nemmeno preso visione delle rocce in
questione. Ma essendo un uomo cresciuto sotto la
disciplina militare, Burrows persistette per anni nel
cercare di portare allo scoperto cio’ che egli riteneva
prezioso. Questi sono solo alcuni dei reperti che egli
possiede e sta cercando persone che possano aiutarlo a
decifrare le scritte in questione.
la seguente foto che appare qui sotto contiene i 10
comandamenti scritti in ebraico incisi sulla pietra.
comandamenti scritti in ebraico incisi sulla pietra.
" Los Lunas Inscription" e’ una versione riassunta del
Decalogo o 10 comandamenti, incisi su questa piana pietra
ritrovata su di un fianco della Hidden Mountin, vicino Los
Lunas, New Messico, circa 35 miglia a sud di Albuquerque.
Il linguaggio e’ ebraico, e lo scritto e’ in vecchio
alfabeto ebraico, con poche lettere di greco mescolato.
Vedere Cline 9!982), Deal (1992) Stonebreaker (1982), e
Underwood (1982) per trascrizioni e traduzioni, e Deal
(1992) per discussioni e fotografie del tutto.
Decalogo o 10 comandamenti, incisi su questa piana pietra
ritrovata su di un fianco della Hidden Mountin, vicino Los
Lunas, New Messico, circa 35 miglia a sud di Albuquerque.
Il linguaggio e’ ebraico, e lo scritto e’ in vecchio
alfabeto ebraico, con poche lettere di greco mescolato.
Vedere Cline 9!982), Deal (1992) Stonebreaker (1982), e
Underwood (1982) per trascrizioni e traduzioni, e Deal
(1992) per discussioni e fotografie del tutto.
Lascio la seguente descrizione in inglese perche’
contiene parole professionali che non vorrei stravolgere,
chi e’ interessato a conoscere il perfetto contenuto di
questa spiegazione non deve fare altro che chiedere a
qualche studioso che conosce l’inglese.
contiene parole professionali che non vorrei stravolgere,
chi e’ interessato a conoscere il perfetto contenuto di
questa spiegazione non deve fare altro che chiedere a
qualche studioso che conosce l’inglese.
George Moorehouse (1985), a professional geologist,
indicates that the boulder is of the same basalt as the
cap of the mesa. He estimates its weight at 80 to 100
tons, and says it has moved about 2/3 of the distance from
the mesa top to the valley floor since it broke off. The
inscription is tilted about 40 degrees clockwise from
horizontal, indicating that the stone has settled or even
moved from its position at the time it was inscribed. (The
above photograph was taken with a tilted camera.)
indicates that the boulder is of the same basalt as the
cap of the mesa. He estimates its weight at 80 to 100
tons, and says it has moved about 2/3 of the distance from
the mesa top to the valley floor since it broke off. The
inscription is tilted about 40 degrees clockwise from
horizontal, indicating that the stone has settled or even
moved from its position at the time it was inscribed. (The
above photograph was taken with a tilted camera.)
In 1996, Prof. James D. Tabor of the Dept. of Religious
Studies, University of North Carolina – Charlotte,
interviewed Professor Frank Hibben, a local historian and
retired archaeologist from the University of New Mexico,
"who is convinced that the inscription is ancient and thus
authentic. He reports that he first saw the text in 1933.
At the time it was covered with lichen and patination and
was hardly visible. He was taken to the site by a guide
who had seen it as a boy, back in the 1880s." (Tabor 1997)
At present the inscription itself is badly chalked and
scrubbed up. However, Moorehouse compares the surviving
weathering on the inscription to that on a nearby modern
graffito dating itself to 1930. He concludes that the
Decalogue inscription is clearly many times older than
this graffito, and that 500 to 2000 years would not be an
unreasonable estimate of its age.
Studies, University of North Carolina – Charlotte,
interviewed Professor Frank Hibben, a local historian and
retired archaeologist from the University of New Mexico,
"who is convinced that the inscription is ancient and thus
authentic. He reports that he first saw the text in 1933.
At the time it was covered with lichen and patination and
was hardly visible. He was taken to the site by a guide
who had seen it as a boy, back in the 1880s." (Tabor 1997)
At present the inscription itself is badly chalked and
scrubbed up. However, Moorehouse compares the surviving
weathering on the inscription to that on a nearby modern
graffito dating itself to 1930. He concludes that the
Decalogue inscription is clearly many times older than
this graffito, and that 500 to 2000 years would not be an
unreasonable estimate of its age.
The inscription uses Greek tau, zeta, delta, and kappa
(reversed) in place of their Hebrew counterparts taw,
zayin, daleth, and caph, indicating a Greek influence, as
well as a post-Alexandrian date, despite the archaic form
of aleph used. The letters yodh, qoph, and the
flat-bottomed shin have a distinctively Samaritan form,
suggesting that the inscription may be Samaritan in
origin. See Lidzbarski (1902), Purvis (1968).
(reversed) in place of their Hebrew counterparts taw,
zayin, daleth, and caph, indicating a Greek influence, as
well as a post-Alexandrian date, despite the archaic form
of aleph used. The letters yodh, qoph, and the
flat-bottomed shin have a distinctively Samaritan form,
suggesting that the inscription may be Samaritan in
origin. See Lidzbarski (1902), Purvis (1968).
Cyrus Gordon (1995) proposes that the Los Lunas Decalogue
is in fact a Samaritan mezuzah. The familiar Jewish
mezuzah is a tiny scroll placed in a small container
mounted by the entrance to a house. The ancient Samaritan
mezuzah, on the other hand, was commonly a large stone
slab placed by the gateway to a property or synagogue, and
bearing an abridged version of the Decalogue. Gordon
proposes that the most likely age of the Los Lunas
inscription is the Byzantine period.
is in fact a Samaritan mezuzah. The familiar Jewish
mezuzah is a tiny scroll placed in a small container
mounted by the entrance to a house. The ancient Samaritan
mezuzah, on the other hand, was commonly a large stone
slab placed by the gateway to a property or synagogue, and
bearing an abridged version of the Decalogue. Gordon
proposes that the most likely age of the Los Lunas
inscription is the Byzantine period.
Skupin (1989) analyzes the orthographic errors of the Los
Lunas text itself, and concludes that it appears to have
been written by a person whose primary language was Greek,
who had a secondary, but verbal, comprehension of Hebrew.
He writes of the inscriber, "He used the consonant [aleph]
as if it were a vowel, like the Greek alpha, even though
this clashes with the Hebrew orthographic system …. He
confounded [qoph] and [caph] as a Philhellene who only
knew kappa might do, and was sufficiently removed from
Hebrew to be unaware that he had made an irreverent slip
thereby. Most amazingly, he ‘heard’ macrons, the drawling
long vowels that are structurally and semantically
important in Greek … and felt compelled to indicate them
even if he was not exactly sure of how it’s done (and
rightly so, since in Hebrew they’re insignificant)…. His
word order suggests a scriptural tradition related to a
Greek version produced in Alexandria, Egypt, as does his
spelling; and finally, he gives inordinate prominence to
the words ‘brought you out of Egypt.’"
Lunas text itself, and concludes that it appears to have
been written by a person whose primary language was Greek,
who had a secondary, but verbal, comprehension of Hebrew.
He writes of the inscriber, "He used the consonant [aleph]
as if it were a vowel, like the Greek alpha, even though
this clashes with the Hebrew orthographic system …. He
confounded [qoph] and [caph] as a Philhellene who only
knew kappa might do, and was sufficiently removed from
Hebrew to be unaware that he had made an irreverent slip
thereby. Most amazingly, he ‘heard’ macrons, the drawling
long vowels that are structurally and semantically
important in Greek … and felt compelled to indicate them
even if he was not exactly sure of how it’s done (and
rightly so, since in Hebrew they’re insignificant)…. His
word order suggests a scriptural tradition related to a
Greek version produced in Alexandria, Egypt, as does his
spelling; and finally, he gives inordinate prominence to
the words ‘brought you out of Egypt.’"
Io so che il libro di Mormon e’ un libro che contiene
la storia del popolo americano e che e’ di divina
ispirazione. Mentre leggevo questo documento per la prima
volta, fui stupito dal fatto che alcune persone potevano
pensare che questi fosse solo il prodotto della sua
immaginazione. E’ troppo complesso. Piu tardi ebbi la
gioia di leggere il diario personale del profeta, era
chiaro fin dalla prima pagina che questo gentiluomo non
era ben educato, sotto l’apetto dell’istruzione secolare
al tempo della pubblicazione del libro di Mormon
Il testo seguento e’ stato estratto dalle opere riunite di
Hugh Nibley, volume 8 Capitolo 11 pagina 221 e 222.
la storia del popolo americano e che e’ di divina
ispirazione. Mentre leggevo questo documento per la prima
volta, fui stupito dal fatto che alcune persone potevano
pensare che questi fosse solo il prodotto della sua
immaginazione. E’ troppo complesso. Piu tardi ebbi la
gioia di leggere il diario personale del profeta, era
chiaro fin dalla prima pagina che questo gentiluomo non
era ben educato, sotto l’apetto dell’istruzione secolare
al tempo della pubblicazione del libro di Mormon
Il testo seguento e’ stato estratto dalle opere riunite di
Hugh Nibley, volume 8 Capitolo 11 pagina 221 e 222.
"Since Joseph Smith was younger than most of you and not
nearly so experienced or well-educated as any of you at
the time he copyrighted the Book of Mormon, it should not
be too much to ask you to hand in by the end of the
semester (which will give you more time than he had) a
paper of, say, five to six hundred pages in length. Call
it a sacred book if you will, and give it the form of a
history. Tell of a community of wandering Jews in ancient
times; have all sorts of characters in your story, and
involve them in all sorts of public and private
vicissitudes; give them names–hundreds of
them–pretending that they are real Hebrew and Egyptian
names of circa 600 b.c.; be lavish with cultural and
technical details–manners and customs, arts and
industries, political and religious institutions, rites,
and traditions, include long and complicated military and
economic histories; have your narrative cover a thousand
years without any large gaps; keep a number of
interrelated local histories going at once; feel free to
introduce religious controversy and philosophical
discussion, but always in a plausible setting; observe the
appropriate literary conventions and explain the
derivation and transmission of your varied historical
"Above all, do not ever contradict yourself! For now we
come to the really hard part of this little assignment.
You and I know that you are making this all up–we have
our little joke–but just the same you are going to be
required to have your paper published when you finish it,
not as fiction or romance, but as a true history! After
you have handed it in you may make no changes in it (in
this class we always use the first edition of the Book of
Mormon); what is more, you are to invite any and all
scholars to read and criticize your work freely,
explaining to them that it is a sacred book on a par with
the Bible. If they seem over-skeptical, you might tell
them that you translated the book from original records by
the aid of the Urim and Thummim–they will love that!
Further to allay their misgivings, you might tell them
that the original manuscript was on golden plates, and
that you got the plates from an angel. Now go to work and
good luck!
nearly so experienced or well-educated as any of you at
the time he copyrighted the Book of Mormon, it should not
be too much to ask you to hand in by the end of the
semester (which will give you more time than he had) a
paper of, say, five to six hundred pages in length. Call
it a sacred book if you will, and give it the form of a
history. Tell of a community of wandering Jews in ancient
times; have all sorts of characters in your story, and
involve them in all sorts of public and private
vicissitudes; give them names–hundreds of
them–pretending that they are real Hebrew and Egyptian
names of circa 600 b.c.; be lavish with cultural and
technical details–manners and customs, arts and
industries, political and religious institutions, rites,
and traditions, include long and complicated military and
economic histories; have your narrative cover a thousand
years without any large gaps; keep a number of
interrelated local histories going at once; feel free to
introduce religious controversy and philosophical
discussion, but always in a plausible setting; observe the
appropriate literary conventions and explain the
derivation and transmission of your varied historical
"Above all, do not ever contradict yourself! For now we
come to the really hard part of this little assignment.
You and I know that you are making this all up–we have
our little joke–but just the same you are going to be
required to have your paper published when you finish it,
not as fiction or romance, but as a true history! After
you have handed it in you may make no changes in it (in
this class we always use the first edition of the Book of
Mormon); what is more, you are to invite any and all
scholars to read and criticize your work freely,
explaining to them that it is a sacred book on a par with
the Bible. If they seem over-skeptical, you might tell
them that you translated the book from original records by
the aid of the Urim and Thummim–they will love that!
Further to allay their misgivings, you might tell them
that the original manuscript was on golden plates, and
that you got the plates from an angel. Now go to work and
good luck!
Years ago I had the luck to see a LDS video on BOM ere
ruins in the Americas. I was hooked! I had a feeling that
words could not describe! I had to start studing these
evidences for some reason, right away. Some of the things
I found amazed me. I had explored and studied Native
American ruins and sites. Suddenly it seemed that this was
something that was my "thing".
ruins in the Americas. I was hooked! I had a feeling that
words could not describe! I had to start studing these
evidences for some reason, right away. Some of the things
I found amazed me. I had explored and studied Native
American ruins and sites. Suddenly it seemed that this was
something that was my "thing".
Now we have the internet . Want to see something cool? How
about The Ten Commandments etched on a stone in New
Mexico, written in ancient Hebrew ! When I first saw this
I did turn myself about!
about The Ten Commandments etched on a stone in New
Mexico, written in ancient Hebrew ! When I first saw this
I did turn myself about!
I belive this to be an artifact of the BOM peoples. Want
to see another carving of The Ten Commandments, complete
with a carving of Moses, AND a stone box to protect it?
This is from Ohio.
to see another carving of The Ten Commandments, complete
with a carving of Moses, AND a stone box to protect it?
This is from Ohio.
This site also contains a section on the "Keystone"
another example of ancient Hebrew to come from the earth
of America.
another example of ancient Hebrew to come from the earth
of America.
How about a fresh look at the thought that there could
have been horses in America to aid the people?
have been horses in America to aid the people?
Let’s take a look from a different perspective:
Many people are finding evidence suggesting the BOM
peoples may have resided in the U.S.A.
I find it interesting to note that the more compelling
artifacts seem to come from this area. It is also
interesting that most of the U.S. seems to have had a
disappeared culture that left behind ruins that suggest
civilized division of labor. Did Lehi live in the U.S.A? I
am not sure, but I belive that there were Nephites in the
area(Alma 63:5-10, Helaman 3:10-11).
Modern science has told us about the process that corn
went through to become a staple crop of the American
natives. So read of Jesus in the cornfield and tell me
what you think. St. Matthew 12:1
peoples may have resided in the U.S.A.
I find it interesting to note that the more compelling
artifacts seem to come from this area. It is also
interesting that most of the U.S. seems to have had a
disappeared culture that left behind ruins that suggest
civilized division of labor. Did Lehi live in the U.S.A? I
am not sure, but I belive that there were Nephites in the
area(Alma 63:5-10, Helaman 3:10-11).
Modern science has told us about the process that corn
went through to become a staple crop of the American
natives. So read of Jesus in the cornfield and tell me
what you think. St. Matthew 12:1
A few years back I was fortunate to stumble across the
books written by a gentleman by the name of Barry Fell.
Mr. Fell was a Professor who studied and understood
ancient writing and languages. He came up with some
interesting ideas about ancient America. I respectfully
disagree with some of these ideas, but am fascinated by
some of his discoveries. I read that Barry Fell had died a
while back, so I don’t have permission from him to mention
the book titles, but they can be found at a local library.
Many exciting things can be seen here that are directly
related to the BOM people. If you had these books with
you, here are some of the cool things you could read of:
Ancient writing script called "Ogam" found all over
An iron mask uncovered in Ohio
Rock inscriptions in Nevada in "Mediterranean languages"
Zodiac symbols engraved on a gold plate found in Ecuador
An Alabaster egg from Idaho carrying the official name
seal of Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamen
A metal urn with Egyptian style ornament discovered in New
Greek style writing on pottery from Hohokam ruins in
A spiritual inscription in California referring to Jesus
Egyptian hieroglyphs in Ecuador(amazing photo!)
Coins found all over Eastern U.S.A.
Realistic cliff carving in Utah of a warrior with a sword
and sheild
Roman style lamps found in Alabama
A bronze knife found in Michagan
Steel sword from New Hampshire with strange writting on it
A Latin inscription in Maine
A ceramic tablet from Texas
A stone tablet from Colorado
Arabic inscriptions in Nevada
Iron battle axes from various places
An elephant statuefrom Mexico
and there is more that I did not include…………..
books written by a gentleman by the name of Barry Fell.
Mr. Fell was a Professor who studied and understood
ancient writing and languages. He came up with some
interesting ideas about ancient America. I respectfully
disagree with some of these ideas, but am fascinated by
some of his discoveries. I read that Barry Fell had died a
while back, so I don’t have permission from him to mention
the book titles, but they can be found at a local library.
Many exciting things can be seen here that are directly
related to the BOM people. If you had these books with
you, here are some of the cool things you could read of:
Ancient writing script called "Ogam" found all over
An iron mask uncovered in Ohio
Rock inscriptions in Nevada in "Mediterranean languages"
Zodiac symbols engraved on a gold plate found in Ecuador
An Alabaster egg from Idaho carrying the official name
seal of Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamen
A metal urn with Egyptian style ornament discovered in New
Greek style writing on pottery from Hohokam ruins in
A spiritual inscription in California referring to Jesus
Egyptian hieroglyphs in Ecuador(amazing photo!)
Coins found all over Eastern U.S.A.
Realistic cliff carving in Utah of a warrior with a sword
and sheild
Roman style lamps found in Alabama
A bronze knife found in Michagan
Steel sword from New Hampshire with strange writting on it
A Latin inscription in Maine
A ceramic tablet from Texas
A stone tablet from Colorado
Arabic inscriptions in Nevada
Iron battle axes from various places
An elephant statuefrom Mexico
and there is more that I did not include…………..
These are coins of ancient American. See how many
horses are on them? Scientists mantein that there were no
horses when the Spaniard came on this continent (btw they
arrived in south America and didn’t travel everywhere)
anyway this coins are a proof that they had horses or not?
horses are on them? Scientists mantein that there were no
horses when the Spaniard came on this continent (btw they
arrived in south America and didn’t travel everywhere)
anyway this coins are a proof that they had horses or not?
I read posts from people on the internet who say there is
no physical proof of the BOM. I don’t know if this is what
they refer to, but I have a little saying that fits well:
If it walks like a duck
And it talks like a duck,
It is not a Largemouth Bass
no physical proof of the BOM. I don’t know if this is what
they refer to, but I have a little saying that fits well:
If it walks like a duck
And it talks like a duck,
It is not a Largemouth Bass
Please read your scriptures and endure to the end!
Amulets from a burial in the Mississippi River Valley
by Frank Joseph
by Frank Joseph
Forty miles west of Milwaukee lies the pyramid complex of
Aztalan and the
sunken ruins of Rock Lake. For years, rumors of a lost
city in the lake have
circulated and finally in 1989 a side-scan sonar mapping
of the lake was
done. This book recounts that expedition and gives the
reader background
information on the mysteries of Wisconsin.
Aztalan and the
sunken ruins of Rock Lake. For years, rumors of a lost
city in the lake have
circulated and finally in 1989 a side-scan sonar mapping
of the lake was
done. This book recounts that expedition and gives the
reader background
information on the mysteries of Wisconsin.
212 pages. 6×9 Illustrated. Footnotes & Bibliography.
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